

Students are prepared for the 10th class ICSE

The syllabus is designed to foster the students all around development and to provide sound education and to equip them to reach different walks of life. The text books are prescribed for the quality of its content,information,and price ctc.S.S.J.A School value education for peace: (Dhrama Bharati Movement) Moral Science & Catechism are the essential parts of curriculum. The patriotic spirit is inculcated in the mind of students. Due emphasis is given to the celebration of national events.


Co-curricular activities

An S.S.J.A. School organises social work,fete,S.U.P.W. teacher's day,childrens day, Sports and games day & concert.School organizes different clubs such as Literacy,Science,Social,Sports ctc.and competitions are conducted. School encourages leadership qualities, team spirit, sense of justice,love,concern,mutual support help and encouragement.
